Monday, May 19, 2014

Reflections - A Guest Post by my Mama

My mom wrote this after walking her first (and so far only) 5K of the year. She originally wrote it as a way to work through her thoughts, then typed it up to consider sharing. Showing true bravery, she allowed her English major daughter to edit it with the red pen of doom. To say I'm proud of her would be understating an obvious truth. I'll shut up now, and allow you to read just a glimpse of why.
March 6, 2014
Life is a series of events, emotions and choices. We learn or grow when our faith is stretched. Sometimes in the middle of a trial we beg God to hurry His process so that we can get to the “end” of the learning pains. In His wisdom, the growing pains come at the proper timing to enhance our spiritual walk.
In February, Sam and I wanted to do our first 5K since his knee replacements and my knee scope. We decided to participate in the Wounded Warrior Benefit Run. As the date approached, we were not sure we could actually finish. However by the day of the race, we were ready to go! After a fantastic start, we were, for us at a good pace. Encouragers were pushing us to kick it up a notch without knowing our limitations. 

We aspired to finish, hopefully before the first 10 miler crossed the finish line. My desire to speed up my pace remained strong with the finish line in close view and the leader of the 10 miles in our rear-view, coming closer. But after careful reflection, the hurried finish was not worth the potential cost. Re-injury would have only put us on another long recovery.
Do I do the same with God? By hurrying to get to my “finish line,” do I rush headlong into a choice? Do I ignore my faith and make the journey more difficult and painful? I see what I think is the answer and rush head-long without waiting for God to give me directions. Without His guidance, I am insecure and inpatient. Anxiety, emotional hurt and depression are abundant. My mind is filled with insignificant thoughts and my spiritual life is non-productive. 

Saturday, Sam and I had patience and approached the finish line at a comfortable pace. With no injuries, we will continue to exercise for a better life. In life, let us have patience for God’s guidance so that we may strongly finish not only for our benefit but, also for the sake of others. Dear God, I pray that when I have a closed heart and ears that I will visualize the “finish” and wait on You.


  1. YO! this is exactly what I needed to hear today! Thanks for sharing it (both of you!)

  2. "Mama" I needed this today! Just tonight I posted on FB that after the last few weeks I was wondering if I was making any right decisions. Thank you for the reminder to slow down and trust! <3

  3. Good stuff! I must confess that I've been asking God to hurry up and redeem a situation so we can get past the hard stuff. I know that I need to trust Him and His timing, but I needed this gentle reminder today.
