Saturday, October 4, 2014

Confession: Stream of Consciousness Saturday

Yet another Stream of Consciousness segment linking up with Jaime. Setting my timer for 5 minutes and seeing where this takes us. 

Confession: Every time I write one of these posts, I have to triple check my spelling of the 3rd word. Not going to take time to look it up this time. I can make vague reference and you know what I mean with better time economy than I can if I spend time double checking my spelling.

Confession: My weird dreams have tapered off, and I'm disappointed. Then again, what should I expect? After dating the Rock in my first crazy-bizarre-drug-induced dream, they could only go downhill from there.

Confession: I typically write my own blog posts before venturing over into BlogLovin to read others posts. I have the app on my tablet at home, but in order to comment I have to venture to the page and that's just a pain in my tush.

Confession: Still haven't bought that keyboard. I got a recommendation for one, then saw the price. Funny, it was around the same amount that I spent registering for a half marathon, yet I didn't even flinch to sign up for the race.

Confession: My forearms are getting sore typing this. How's that for weak sauce? Maybe its from holding the 18# body bar through a good portion of yesterday's Total Body weights class? I sure hope so. Otherwise this is just plain embarrassing for an "office specialist" (fancy name for lower-than-secretary around these parts).

Confession: I often use the "confession: enter random text" and think it makes whatever it is I'm posting seem more interesting. As if it beefs up the juice factor.

I'd love to read your random thoughts! Be sure to let me know in the comments if you post/link up, so that I can be sure to read it. I'll be on vaca all next week and I'm hoping to be too busy to check in often.

Hope you are having a great weekend!


  1. I'm a good speller but I'd have to check out that word too. :)
    I think the confessions are good!

  2. I'm a good speller but there are some words I misspell every single time.
    Been following your trip on IG! Where are y'all headed?

  3. These are fun! Confession: I sometimes write my SOC post a couple days in advance (still just 5 minutes, though.) And I occasionally write it to sound like I'm writing it on Saturday morning. ;)
