Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How much?

I'm currently reading the book Enough by Will Davis Jr.  In one section of the book, he asks his readers to consider what they would grab if told their home would be destroyed in 30 seconds.

I know its a question Jaime has blogged. (Although in a quick look through recent posts, I wasn't able to find the link.  Too lazy for more than that.)  The author suggests the things we would grab in the heat of the moment (figuratively or literally as the scenario may be) are that which are most important to us.
Thinking this through for myself netted an unsure answer.  I've always thought I would grab a the dirty clothes hamper - practically speaking its the quickest way to ensure you have clothing to wear in the days to come. 
My jewelry box is also high on the list.  Most of my jewelry is costume, save a few pieces Jay has purchased for me.  However, the value isn't found in the amount paid for the items.  I have quite a few necklaces and broaches that belonged to my great grandmother.  Every time I wear them, I think of her, and my heart smiles all day.
Living in 2 houses at once (with only some of my things at each house) made me reconsider what items I use daily.  I've already taken several boxes of stuff that we can live without to the thrift store.  Another large box (full of pants Jay no longer needs) waits in the closet to be taken to the Knoxville homeless ministry.
On several occasions, packing and unpacking has felt like a chore.  Material things I would have once considered blessings began to become burdens.  I wasn't eager, excited, or even desperate to unpack those items.  It was just stuff.  Junk even. 
I'm not even close to answering the question "Just how much is enough?" Heck - I'm not even finished with the book! Davis has confirmed my conclusion in my surpassing "Enough" into the land of "Too Much."  Not because I want to wear a potato sack or eat dinner on the floor, but because I don't want my life to revolve around acquisitions.  I want to experience adventure, and if I'm honest, sometimes stuff just gets in the way.
How do you define "enough"?
Have you purged your house for rarely used items recently?
How often do you clean out your closet?


  1. I haven't cleaned out my closet in forever. I actually made a mental note this morning to look at it this evening.

    I've gotten better more recently in the amount of stuff we're taking in - I want to get most of it out. It clutters our lives too much.

    That blog post is here: I only remembered because I remembered exactly when I had those thoughts (when we were in Charlotte.)

    Monkey, dog and Tigger would definitely be 3 things I grabbed if I had only 30 seconds. Kiddo can't function without his friends.

  2. We are very careful abt ehat webring in & only add things that will add to Our lives. The Already collected, however, IS very slowly thinning out!

    In 60 seconds, dogs, cat, laptop (has important files on it) & any Scrapbooks i Have time.

  3. I try to clean things out on a regular basis but I still have too much stuff.
    I had to get out in a hurry I would try to grab some of my photo albums.

  4. Other than live pets and people (ha!), I would grab my camera or a box load of pictures. That's what I would always take. Now, if I knew all my pictures were online...probably Alice's baby book.

    Good, deep thoughts. =)
